Prison Listing
  We have attempted to compile a composite listing of all prisons, local jails, work release facilities and juvenile facilities where inmates or delinquents are housed. If you see any errors or know of new facilities, please notify LAP so we can keep the list current. Where available, we have offered street addresses. Note that many of the street addresses are listed by the post office as a "non-deliverable address. Mail sent to this address will be returned." Use the post office box when available for all mail. Names are Warden, unless otherwise noted.  
  There seems to be a need for mental health facility contact information. Rather than duplicate that here, click on the "Links" botton above for the appropriate links to Community Mental Health Clinics, Acute Care Facilities and Specialized Facilities. The links on this page take you to the Louisiana Health and Hospitals, Office of Mental Health, for the most current information. Some facilities house inmates (like Feliciana Forensic Unit), so are included here and in the database.  
A printable list in pdf (Acrobat Reader) format is available